Elon Musk’s Disturbing Ayn Randish Fantasy
As November 5th 2024 draws near, I am not certain what is more disturbing anymore… A potential Trump presidency or Musk’s increasing political entanglements.
There is not an iota of doubt that Elon Musk is a genius. Although, history has shown us that all geniuses come with an eccentric streak and Musk has not been spared of it. He has displayed enough of his eccentricity over the years. However what scares me is the Ayn Randish vision of the world that he seems to harbor. And he has found the means to harness this fantasy and bring it to reality.
Sure Ayn Rand has fanned the fantasies of many a capitalists for decades. Her work has influenced several libertarians and conservatives. Ayn Rand’s philosophy of “Objectivity” focused on Reason over Emotion, and on Individual self-interest and happiness over Collective happiness. Fountain Head made great fiction reading no doubt. But Atlas Shrugged’s dystopian society seemed too far fetched, unconvincing and unrealistic. Its been almost seven decades since the book was first published and government overtaking the private sector ain’t happening in America. Given the concentration of income in the hands of few multi billionaires I can only see the opposite... capitalists running the country. (I am not a socialist but this is just a reality check).
The pursuit of self-interest, according to Ayn Rand, must be guided by several tenets including integrity, honesty and justice. At least half of Americans agree by now that Trump is purely guided by financial self interests. However, his techniques have been that of conning people and government tax evasion. He used people’s insecurities to win the election in 2016 and continues to do so. He entered politics on a whim to create chaos and wasn’t ready to rule because he never expected to win in the first place. Obviously Trump wasn’t thinking of Ayn Rand as he is nowhere close to any of the tenets of integrity, honesty and justice.
Like Trump, Elon Musk too is motivated by self interest. He is however entering politics with a clear goal which is far more dangerous. Unlike Trump, he is truly intelligent and powerful. Not only is he equipped with unending wealth which brings massive resources, he also has access to technology that can influence the world. Pouring millions of dollars into politics is obviously extremely dangerous but this is small change money for Musk. His companies have contracts over 15 Billion dollars with the federal government already. Musk owns a sprawling tech empire with deep rooted involvement with the government which he now wants to solidify by bending the government to his will! And unlike Trump, we all know that Musk is highly successful in his business endeavors with a proven track record. His SpaceX has not just helped the low on budget NASA and US defense department, but he also owns a network of satellites that are used for global communications including spy satellites that he launches for the federal government. In fact even Kamla Harris as President will be dependent on him. Several foreign governments are also increasingly relying on his global communications satellite network. (He had refused to share all of the satellite data with Ukraine during the initial Russian offensive of the ongoing war). There’s really no one to keep a tab on him except US government regulations. Which is exactly what he is after.
In Trump, Elon Musk has found the perfect partner (in crime) to achieve the fantastic world vision that he has dreamed of. Trump has already declared that once he moves in to the White House, he will appoint Elon Musk (on Elon Musk’s suggestion!!) to create a “government efficiency commission” which will “conduct a financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and make radical changes”. In other words, cut costs, minimize the size of government, cut off spending on all social programs, privatize many government agencies and most importantly, reduce regulations. This is the real aim that is driving Elon Musk to help Trump. Besides, it also helps knowing that both men are equally racists.
Trump has painted a very bleak picture of the current administration with overload of government spending and interference. As if Democrats are heading US towards the economically collapsed dystopian society of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. Musk sees this as an opportunity to reshape the nation the way he deems fit. Perhaps his version of Ayn Rand’s John Galt plan…?
If Trump wins, Musk gets access to influence extensive government functioning and policies. While doing this Elon Musk will also achieve his capitalist self interest objective because his companies will naturally bag most government contracts. Forget the 15 billion dollars in contracts he has, he will now enter into actual day to day governance of America! And will also be paid handsomely for it. Any hurdles he faces in amassing more wealth will be eliminated by his new system.
So while Trump sits on a golden throne in the Oval Office happily counting crowd sizes and the number of followers he has on social media, Musk will reshape the US Federal administration in his own favor. Trump is dangerously fanning communal disharmony in his pursuit of self interest guided presidency but Musk is a far bigger threat. We all need to sit up straight and take a hard look at his motives. Who knows what are the true long term intentions of this billionaire eccentric genius? Trump is perhaps no more than just a stepping stone. He might want to set up a new world order of administration and even rule the planet someday. After-all, we all know that Elon Musk’s ambitions are not limited to Mother Earth…
How will Elon Musk be judged a few centuries from now? Surely he will be remembered as a genius but will he be on the right side of History? Well, I think it will depend on the outcome of the November 5th 2024 US Presidential elections. And you my readers will have a say in that outcome. The risk of sitting on the sidelines is too high to take. Please do not be complacent. Whether you are a US citizen or not, each of you can make a difference in your own ways. Vote, volunteer, and/or donate to organizations who mobilize voter turnout. Encourage your friends, neighbors and families to vote and volunteer. This 2024 election might be of the biggest consequence ever!! We will either move to a new global order guided by a technocratic dictatorship or we can save a democracy which is made up of the people, by the people and for the people.